Friday, March 13, 2009

Clear Eyes, Full hearts

I watch tv from time to time. Do you? If that's a no then, well then maybe you should take a serious look at your life. So here's there thing: The best show on television is Friday Night Lights. If you're not watching it, I think you're a fool. A nice fool though, because you are here, reading this. It's on on Friday night. Isn't that so crazy?! The thing is, by Friday, you come home from work and you're focused on the weekend, thinking about tomorrow, what to eat for dinner, or how come you don't have a million dollars and a puppy. Those last ones may be just me. The point is, when you are done pondering your next move for the weekend you've been anxiously awaiting for 5 torturous days, you usually plot down on the couch to surf for some mindless entertainment. Then you remember. You remember that there, on your DVR, waiting for you is one hour of flawless programming. For those of you that watch the show, you know what I'm saying. If you don't, start. Suckers.


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